2024 has been an absolute rip-snorter of a brutal year for so many souls on this planet. My newsfeed has been flooded with stories of divorces, deaths, dear friends losing their homes to natural disasters, job losses, financial crashes, unexpected hospitalisations, and images of faces I love—teachers and renowned mentors—hooked up to heart rate monitors, recovering from shocking cancer diagnoses… but like, every other day! 2024 has been coloured by an overwhelming amount of difficult news for me, and it seems, for so many others. Did anyone else experience a year like this?


All over the world, people are facing some seriously overwhelming, disorienting *shit*, and they can’t make sense of what’s going on or why their entire lives seem to be flipping upside down. Can you feel it too? That sense of being lost, confused, and utterly exhausted from running into one wall after another? If one more thing collapses, you feel like you might break. 


So, what exactly is going on across the globe right now?  

Welcome to Awakening 101.


What, exactly, is an “awakening” and how does it relate to all this bad news? Is it simply a random coincidence? What are we waking up to? Or more importantly, what has kept us in such a deep slumber for so long? Let’s take a moment to break it down and demystify this global phenomenon we call “awakening.”


When we sleep at night, our body enters its most vulnerable state. The subconscious mind takes over, managing our body and organ systems, getting to work on rebuilding, replicating, and replenishing what’s been depleted during the day. Some nights, the “clean-up” is more intense than others, depending on the stress or imbalance we carry into bed. Ultimately, the subconscious needs to “shut us down,” much like a computer being rebooted, in order to refresh our system, replicating the exact same patterns and functions we followed the day before.


Now, imagine that this is happening on a MUCH larger scale. Instead of just our individual subconscious mind, there is a global control system at play, quietly pumping our minds and bodies full of numbing agents, anaesthetics, and programmed instructions to shut us down, knock us out, and work on us while we’re “fast asleep”— in our most open and vulnerable state. This is happening to all of us, all the time. And it “works.” It seems to “benefit” us, giving us distractions, short-lived pleasures, and addictive habits—until we start waking up. At first, we feel groggy, heavy, confused, but the more we begin to see, the more we cannot unsee. And it’s this “anaesthetic-wearing-off” effect that throws our lives into such pain and disarray. It’s no easy thing to realise:


    1. You’ve been asleep for a *really*, reaaaaaally long time.
    2. While you were asleep, someone else has been giving you “instructions,” telling you who you are and who you are not, what you can have and what you can’t have, based on your upbringing, bank account, trauma, or the societal systems that shape your life.
    3. “Someone” has been working tirelessly, in a million invisible ways, to keep you anaesthetised, to keep you in a state where you march around each day on autopilot, unknowingly disconnecting from your power, your divine life force… your brilliance, your creativity, your absolute GENIUS.


So many systems in the world rely on us staying fast asleep! The global economy, for instance, depends on keeping us sick, stressed, depressed, overwhelmed, and heavily in debt. We chase endless, invisible carrots, deeply lonely, trying to accomplish monumental feats on our own. The world we live in is structured to stop us from talking to each other, from connecting, from collaborating. Heaven forbid we stop to smell the roses and wake each other up. It’s a mass prison of isolation and addiction— to fluoride, music loaded with subliminal messages, sugar, medication, preservatives, nutrient-deprived food, shortcuts, and false money-making monopolies disguised as true wealth-generating opportunities. And we, distracted and fast asleep, bite the hook every single time, waking up to more mess, complexity, and entanglement, wondering, quite frankly, why the hell our lives, bodies, and relationships are falling apart.


The biggest invisible pandemic sweeping the globe right now is a deeply concerning, unconscious addiction to suffering. We’ve given away our power, our permission, and everything that makes us truly powerful. We’ve been convinced that the answers lie beyond us, out of reach, in some guru’s unaffordable, secret programme—far beyond our ability to access. 


If you keep enough powerful people distracted, chasing their tails every day, you don’t even need to introduce a “devil.” They will become their own mental and emotional torturers and never really understand why they are so stuck.


This, I believe, is why it’s absolutely essential to WAKE US ALL UP! We need to collide with something that truly grabs our attention. I honestly believe there’s always a softer, more gentle way, but most of us are so deeply entangled in this illusion of who we are—this false identity of powerlessness—that life often feels the need to shock us into awareness.  


Awakening, in my humble opinion, is simply the ongoing process of shifting the body’s energy systems (mind, emotions, and body) out of this perceived state of powerlessness. “Awakening” is like quitting your lifelong job of putting out fires, calling back all your energy, and redirecting it to your heart—the true powerhouse of everything you long for. It’s regaining clarity of mind, not so you can become smarter, but so you can stop ignoring your soul, stop pretending you don’t know what to do. Waking up is essentially about truly listening to all the messages your life is shouting at you, and stepping up to guide yourself back to freedom. 


It’s a deeply personal, soul-shaking process. But it’s the most rewarding thing you will ever say “yes” to.


I wish I could say that all of this came to me during a blissful, enlightened meditation. But like you, despite being a seasoned teacher, trainer, and coach, I’ve found it “far easier” to accept the status quo, play the victim, and choose a life of consistent suffering rather than draw back all my power and light to create a beautiful, joyful life. Wild, I know, but sadly true. This is one of the core reasons I believe that the true role of a coach and guide is to help people reconnect with their OWN power, to see, understand, and interpret what’s going on, and then help them shift it, so they can move their lives in a more powerful, rewarding direction. There is no big secret miracle hack to the breakthroughs my clients experience. I simply train them to become absolute GENIUSES at catching themselves when they go “unconscious” or drop into a “sleep state”… and the rest of the miracle takes care of itself.


If you’re still reading this, you know your soul is stirring. Stop resisting the wake-up call. It’s not a matter of *if* but *when*. You could not possibly imagine what you ALREADY are capable of creating, without needing to learn one more thing. You do not need more “information.” 


You just need to  


© 2024 Weighting 4Me School of Transformation. All rights reserved. Empowering your journey to personal growth and soulful potential.